Saturday, 3 March 2012

REVIEW: Tomb Raider II (1997)

If you were feeling devilish, you could break someone's entire save on this game by jumping off a high place and saving it as poor Lara plummeted to her death. This was thanks to the new "save anywhere at any time" system that was introduced after the frustrating save crystals from the first game.

The second of the Tomb Raider games, this time Lara Croft is after the mythical dagger of Xian, a blade that promises immense power to whomever sacrifices themselves to it. Lara goes all around the world looking for it, including China, Italy, Tibet and even to the bottom of the ocean. Major graphical improvements were made to the original engine of the first game, such as dynamic lighting, Lara's hair and more fluid character movement. The game was continually tested literally hours prior to the final submit to Sony, and it really shows.

Lara now has much more freedom, and can use flares and climb ladders in this outing, The improved lighting was also used to light up the immediate area when Lara fired a gun, and minor tweaks led to a major improvement. The story for me was also great, because it involved shooting a massive fire-breathing dragon, and I can't argue with that. This and its predecessor really paved the way for modern adventure games, and I doubt Nathan Drake would be the man he is without our English rose Lara.

I'll never, ever forget the panic at the beginning the level "40 fathoms", when your air's running out, there's a shark chasing you and there's no sign of an air pocket. It was like Sonic drowning all over again.

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